Our Weekend In Pictures (mostly of Emma...)

My kids are crazy for balls.

 Emma's first word was "ball."  Mr. is never without one.

He has turned our backyard into a ball pit.

This is her first time to really play outdoors... there might have been kicking and screaming when we had to come inside.  I'm thinking I should have a big garden this summer... it will give me something to do while she and the Mr. pick up balls.  I wonder if she'll take to picking weeds?

She doesn't know the green one is there... she was trying to throw it to Mr. and that is where it ended up : )

Homemade Turtle "Puddles" recipe coming soon...

Sweet girl.

Homemade Pizzas

Mr. Darcy and I have started up our morning walks again.  I miss the charming New England town walks from last Winter, but...

We have some great spots here, too.

Mr. always checks for the ducks.

It is such a great way to start the day.  I'm just glad you can't see me in these photos - when we leave the house I have bed head covered by a stocking cap and am clinging to my coffee.  

But it always feels so good about 2 minutes in... especially when D turns and gives me one of these grins.

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