Kitchen Tour Week: Day Two

Wenham Museum Heart of the Home Kitchen Tour 2012

A white picket fence adorned with little creatures posing as finials, is a sly hint of what can be found behind the vivid green door on this sunny yellow home. This was our second stop on the kitchen tour, and we could tell that the interior was going to be just as joyful.  

Once inside, we were greeted by the homeowner, artist and designer, Robin Sears. Entering her kitchen is like walking into the pages of a beautifully illustrated story book. Her artist’s hand is evident on cabinets and tiles and ceramics.  

With it’s Big Chill appliances and checkered linoleum floor it is a nostalgically whimsical space that speaks of a time when the pace of life was a little slower.

Wooden counter tops gleam beneath yellow mixers. A circus train transports vintage Steiffs along the ceiling. 

Garden furniture beckons visitors to sit for a spell. Plates are from a collection Robin designed and painted.

The family bunny is part of the visual fun, tucked beneath the custom-designed window seat.

Inside and out, this truly is a happy home!
Read more about it on Robin’s blog.

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