Emma's New Room | Inspiration from a BlaBla Doll

I have been struggling with what to do with Emma's new room in the new house.  As you recall, her nursery (that she's lived in for an entire 8 months...) was a really soft blue, ivory and grey.  I still love the room... when everything is put away including all of the various colored toys, stuffed animals, books, blankets, etc. that she has received as gifts- which is rare.  With all of those other colors in the room, it can easily become a hodge-podge, rather than a creamy soothing soft nursery. 

Because I like for her to be surrounded by all of those fun things that have been given to her by loved ones (instead of just the creamy white toys and stuffed animals we purchased for her...), I've decided to stop fighting the color that is creeping in and embrace it.  A little.

We received this "blabla" doll from our friends last week and it hit me - inspiration.  I loved the color combination - the pale blue with a really soft pink, grey, slate blue, white and pops of green and strawberry pink.  It seemed fun and whimsical while being soft and cuddly at the same time.

I'm still not exactly sure how I'm going to execute it, but here is a rough idea.  The cream crib, slip-covered chair, cream area rug and wooden changing table will remain the same, but I'll be making some striped curtains that will mimic the skirt I bought (maybe trimmed with pompoms?), and finding/making pillows to bring in more colors.  There will also be a play area made from an upholstered bench (that used to be in our living room) with baskets underneath.  My hope is that it will still feel cozy and soft, but a little more fun and whimsical with extra color.

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