Another NY roadtrip

My last visit to New York with Roseanne and Katherine

Yes, summer vacation is just about coming to a close for us (the boys go back to school next week) but I find myself longing for a quick getaway to the city. Let me clarify ... an ADULT getaway. One where I get to “ooh and ahh over design goodness.

Dining at Eataly: Don’t all bloggers photograph their meals before they eat?

And then go out to eat at renowned restaurants owned by people I went to college with ... Master Chef Joe Bastianich lived in my dorm senior year at BC, literally next door. While last in NY, my girlfriends and I dined at Bierreria (a cool spot a la rooftop) and I fell in love with Insalata di Mela. I think it is time to go back ...  

Lots of people just enjoyed – and have been blogging about – the New York International Gift Fair. I’ve been before, and it’s a lot of eye candy to be sure. Since I couldn’t make it this time around, I would settle for an invitation to the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in NY in September. “Hello, Jason Wu? I am a big fan of your work as well as your collections designed for Brizo. I would do some great promoting of your brand if given the chance ... oh, wait a minute, I already do.

Ad I put together for Designer Bath that ran in Design New England Magazine

We all know fashion and design are kissing cousins these days. We dress our homes by looking in our closets for inspiration ... what colors do we look good in? What fabrics do we like? What patterns  make us happy? What translates across the board: usually what feels good to the touch will end up being the most comfortable in the long run. 

I met Andrea at the Architectural Digest Home Design Show last winter.

Often times, an eye-catching piece of furniture can even inspire a new confidence to combine prints that we might not have considered wearing all at once. Andrea Mihalik of Wild Chairy is an expert at this type of pattern pairing. With a background in professional photography, she knows what reads well both on film (can we still call it that?) and up close in real life. I recently showcased samples of her work in a post I wrote as a guest blogger for New England Home Magazine (read it here). Below are some more of her stylish pieces that I consider best dressed.

Red Hot: confident, bold, cheerful {photo courtesy Andrea Mihalik}

Winter Forecast: bare tree branches paired with icy blue and warm tweed
{photo courtesy Andrea Mihalik}

Trend-worthy: who doesn't love zigs and zags?
{photo courtesy Andrea Mihalik}

Fall Fashion: burnt umber plus golden oak
{photo courtesy Andrea Mihalik}

Yellow with black always gets attention
{photo courtesy Andrea Mihalik}

Although orange and pink is also worth a second glance
{photo courtesy Andrea Mihalik}

Excuse me now while I visit Pinterest for awhile to daydream about suitcases, taxi cabs, and Jason Wu fashions.

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