Xtreme sports inspired ...

Olympic Inspired Xtreme Boys Room

designvignettes on polyvore.com

While watching some of the amazing highlights of the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, I have been drawn to the green and blue graphics that have been used to brand the winter games. Looking at them, I am reminded of the color palette that I have chosen for my oldest son’s room. I have added a lot of orange to my palette (the same bright color as seen on the Olympic mascot’s knit cap), warm beige and a muted gray-blue. I want the room to look spirited, not overly coordinated. Just like Shaun White and the U.S. snowboard team, this room will be decked out in warm flannels, slick finishes, and a touch of good ’ole red, white and blue.

Energetic fabrics and bold prints
play upon the xtreme theme.

Currently our oldest son shares this room with brother number three (we change the line-up often around here depending on who is getting along better with who). Our first born loves to snowboard, skateboard and do anything that makes my stomach drop! I have learned to live with his extreme lifestyle (he was riding his bike without training wheels by age three) but I usually try not to watch. Although sometimes I find myself enjoying the exposure to this super-charged world – a world I never would have taken much interest in if it weren’t for my brood of boys!

Cool graphics are a definite must-have
when decorating a boy’s room.

With a team of four boys living under one roof there tends to be a lot of wear and tear on our surroundings. As a result, my husband and I often delay final completion of design projects figuring the longer we wait the better chance we have of furnishings staying in one piece. I am hoping that now is an age-appropriate time to push ourselves towards that decorating finish line! Without fear or hesitation : )

Here is a quick tour of some before and afters ...

Before ... original (to the previous owner) baby blue walls without architectural interest were given a dropped picture frame molding and a newly insulated/plastered ceiling.

he high ceiling was painted Benjamin Moore Bennington Gray to “bring the ceiling down” and make the room feel cozier. Manchester Tan highlights the trim and coordinates with the Smith & Noble wooden blinds. Walls are painted with Woodlawn Hills Green. I LOVE this color. It gives the room so much visual life. It looks fresh and new and it serves as a good distraction when the room isn’t as neat as it should be (who sees the floor when the walls are this vibrant?!)

Before: the closet. This will be a study area when it is complete. We store all of the boys clothes in a separate laundry room (that will be a topic for another post!)

During: New upper closet doors and trim have been added. My job right now is to get motivated to finish painting and maybe find some interesting door pulls.

Designer confession:
at a certain point, a mom of four boys stops seeing random graffiti like you see on this headboard. At least whomever did this (I have a good idea) stuck with my chosen color palette! I have since had this cottage-white bed painted a shiny black (photo to come). Much more appropriate now that the boys are older and the markers are no longer under lock and key!
Check back later for the final “after” photos. My plan is to have the room completely styled and photo-ready before the first of April (if I write it down here, I will have to do it!)

Achievable goals ...
• add unique lighting
• create a study corner
• dress the beds
• hang new art
• train the boys to
keep it clean!

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