We reflect those who surround us ...

I picked up another orchid on Thursday. I didn’t plan for this shot to come out as dramatic as it did, but I love when something unexpectedly good happens! Another good thing that happened yesterday was that I was mentioned by Boston designer/blogger Linda Merrill during yesterday’s Skirted Roundtable podcast! Linda, Joni and Megan discuss the pros and cons of blog giveaways (be sure to enter mine which ends at 11:59 pm EST on Feb. 14th and theirs which ends on Thursday, Feb. 18th ;) I was happy to be one of the lucky winners of their last giveaway. Who doesn’t like to win a prize??? I must admit, I have not outgrown my love of receiving a good present!

A card that I found at Pier 1 that I had to have ...

I always say that I am the Queen in this house of all boys,
although most days I feel more like the maid!

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to think about who we love to spend time our time with (and then reward them with chocolates, flowers and sparkly items!) When you like to be around someone, they bring out the best in you and right back at them. I love that I am “meeting new people in the blog world that are inspiring me with their posts. I especially love when someone posts about a topic I have been thinking about. And a lot of the time I find myself writing a post that has been influenced by the posts of others that I have been cyber-absorbing. Thank you to everyone out there who has been sharing their talents and their stories. It is nice to be “surrounded by so many sparkling individuals!

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