It must be love ...

Vintage paper art and
jewelry by Beth Hylan

You know it must be love when all you do is think about the next time that you can be together.

You know it must be love when you want to share everything that is important to you.

You know it must be love when you start to feel lost without the other.

You know it must be love when you make up reasons to spend time together.

I have been feeling lost without you, Blog! Please forgive me for abandoning you for over a week!!!! I have been thinking about you constantly. There has been so much going on that I want to tell you about, but I just need a little more time to get my thoughts together.
Please don’t leave me for another! Knowing that you are out there really means a lot to me ...


Beth Hylan Design Studio

“Love Letters Trunk Show”

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Noon to 4pm

TaggArt Studio, Wakefield

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