Keeping my resolutions ...

There is something about posting resolutions online that is quite motivating. I highly recommend telling a world of strangers (or friends you haven’t met ; ) your goals if you want to be held accountable for working towards them! So this weekend, while I did not get on the treadmill (haven’t gotten around to clearing off the miscellaneous clutter that is piled on top of it) and I still finished off a box of Cheese-its (they were already open ...) I did manage to get started on resolution #4: Tackle at home design projects.

Awhile back, we had to jack up the floor of our sagging four-square Colonial (phase one, reconstruction: totally necessary, but not visually satisfying in the after department). This procedure caused the curved wall (originally lath and plaster) to literally come crashing down. We then had it replastered (twice) to get it right.

Somehow, I have never gotten around to dedicating the time to re-priming and painting the new plaster (it is such a small job, why hire it out?
) Since the second plasterer was returning to look at another project in our home (master bedroom : ) I figured I had better get to work on the thoroughly cured wall (it is a good idea to let plaster cure for about three weeks for best results when possible. I am pretty confident that our walls are bone dry).

With constant renovations in progress, we find ourselves moving items from one room to another a lot, so it took about an hour for me to find all of the necessary prep work supplies. I even found the original gallon of paint (Martha Stewart Pebblestone) that I put on the walls awhile ago even though we weren’t officially done with the space (we still need to finish the crown molding, the trim, put down a new hardwood floor and redo the staircase ... ) See why we have a hard time crossing jobs off our to-do list when every project hinges on a big something else??? Not to mention the life-with-kids-fact that usually the boys are running through the house, asking to be fed, and in need of my expert negotiating skills on answering the often asked question “is it my turn yet?? Well this weekend it was my turn to do something!

My hubby took the boys out and I got started on sanding the walls (which required the extra precarious effort of getting on a very tall ladder) and then cleaning up the mess (there was white plaster dust everywhere which I decided to let settle before vacuuming walls, etc.). I am now 100% ready to paint! Since I had a busy day today with real work, etc., I will schedule a little time tomorrow between the bus and a consultation appointment to get the paint on the walls. I will post the end result. I pinkie swear!

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