Sun-drenched decorating for the holidays

Photo by Nicole Yee

With Boston temperatures reaching a balmy 70 degrees on this 3rd day of December, I thought it would be fitting to share these gorgeous images from my West Coast friend, Nicole Yee of NY Interiors. I met Nicole this summer at the Museums of Old York 20th Annual Decorator Show House. Her decorated space – the Master Bedroom and Balcony – was warm, chic, and stunning (just like Nicole, herself!) I loved this dressing room entry to the master ...

Photo by Nicole Yee as posted on Ava

Read Nicole’s blog post for Accent Magazine describing
her participation in the York Decorator Show House.

NH Magazine article/photo credit: Susan Laughlin

Since meeting at the Decorator’s Q & A Luncheon, Nicole and I have been keeping each other posted on our decorating projects (she has been very busy since returning to the West Coast). She recently sent me some inspiring photos of her holiday table setting, along with a very thoughtful letter (I simply adore virtual mail!) that I am posting for your enjoyment.
Maybe next week I will be able to post some East Coast decorating images if the temperature decides to go down to a more traditional level.

Holiday ornament at the Design Studio

It is New England, remember, so I
m sure it won’t be long before were all complaining about that “white Christmas we claim to be so fond of around here (as long as the snowflakes arrive after all the shopping is done!) For the time being, however, let’s just imagine that we are looking outside at a gorgeous sunset ...

A breath-taking view at a San Franciso winery, Nov. 96

sipping some great California wine, and enjoying the company and conversation of good friends ...

Photo by Nicole Yee

Photo by Nicole Yee

Dear Yvonne,

I’ve been thinking about you on the East Coast lately. We’ve had an unbelievably beautiful fall and early winter here in the San Francisco Bay Area. We put up our Christmas tree when it was 72 degrees outside!

Being a NH native, I normally incorporate traditional deep reds and garlands of spruce in holiday decor, but this year I found inspiration from the golden California sun! I thought you would enjoy this rustic holiday setting I created from a simple gold and white palette.

I started with elegant tableware, and threw in a few natural materials including some deep green magnolia branches from the backyard. My goal was to create a festive, warm and welcoming spot to inspire comfortable conversation for family gatherings over the holidays. Here’s wishing that we all have time for lots of those this season!


Photo by Nicole Yee

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Photo by Nicole Yee

Photo by Nicole Yee

Nicole Yee, IDS Associate, IRIS
NY Interiors 510.531.3973

Thanks for sharing your
work with us, Nicole!
Happy holidays –
xo Yvonne

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