How I decorate for the holidays ... Deck the halls part 2

Remember these spiral trees and green pots?
Combined with greens, they provide a winter welcome.
Come on in!

You are invited to take a peek at my home ... decorated for the holidays. For me, it is all about the details (especially since it is very challenging with my family of four boys to get an entire room looking photo-ready at once unless it is that rare occasion when “no one is stirring.
) So I will show you some of my favorite holiday vignettes ...

I love lots of whites and creams with touches
of blue or gold, plus anything sparkly.

It took me years to find the perfect angel. She reminds me of the one we had on our tree as kids, plus she looks a little like my mom with her blond wavy hair.

Our tree is a visual hodge-podge decorated by my little helpers. Some branches have a good three or four ornaments on them while others are completely bare! As one of my boys explained, “if they look the same, they should go together.

Some of our favorite child-friendly ornaments ...

The magically mysterious Elf.

Wool mitten ornament
from Beth’s shop.

New this year – we added white snowball-like pom poms and miniature tassels (my youngest came up with this “decorating idea). I have to admit it was very cute watching the boys throw pom poms at the tree as if they were having a snowball fight! The silver rabbit ornament looks just like our pet bunny, Lucky.

My Santas are usually non-traditional, like
this white one holding a basket of flowers
(a gift one year from my mom).

Or my latest ... cloaked in blueish-green.

I also tried my hand at a new-to-me holiday tradition ... creating pomanders out of tangerines and cloves. Their warm, citrus scent is heavenly combined with fresh pine (notice the B monogram?)

I created this little nest on top of my
dining room chandelier for a couple of
stylishly-trendy feathered friends.

Another proud peacock.

And more feathers.

I like to decorate the unreachable areas like this spot above my television armoire. Must be learned behavior from years of sharing my home with toddlers!

Sometimes a simple touch is enough.

This decorator’s version of a kissing ball!


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