Fancy holiday cookie party ...

I had such a fun time today starting a new holiday tradition. I invited two of my young nieces over (old enough to use a knife, but young enough to want to lick the frosting) to make holiday cookies with my boys. We spent a couple of hours creating the cookie platters you see above (I did not post my youngest son
’s as he ate most of them!) One of the recipes – the chocolate-dipped peppermint cookies – I actually discovered on the blog of Scientific Housewife, the winner of my recent giveaway. She discovered the recipe on Real

Real Simple Recipe

My make-it-simpler recipe:

Substitute Lorna Doone shortbread cookies instead of making your own dough. Next give a bag of unwrapped peppermint candies that are then wrapped up tightly inside a dish towel to an eager-to-help youngster. Arm him or her with a heavy kitchen utensil (large serving spoons work well). Set up a candy-crushing workstation on a soft surface (a carpeted floor is okay for little ones – the dining room table was a bit loud!) This was “the funnest part
of the entire process according to one of my adorable little helpers (besides eating the ingredients during and the cookies afterwards, of course ; )

Scientific Housewife actually posted Design Vignettes (yours truly) as one of the top ten bloggers that brighten her day. Thanks, SH, for the Sweet Friends Award. It made my day! She also posted photos of the Kikkerland Mini-Chandelier that she she just received from Be sure to check out her thoughtfully sweet blog that
features stories about food, fashion, and life. It is a real treat!

The giveaway gift hanging in the
of lucky prize winner Scientific Housewife.

A cute mug from that would be just
right for morning coffee (or milk and cookies.)

And here is a little gift for those of you out there looking for some traditional holiday music with lots of beautiful vocals and instrumentals, some that I have never heard before (my husband just caught me singing my heart out with headphones on ... I hope it does not end up on YouTube!)


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