A gift for The Stevens Estate

Stevens Estate design update:
new window treatments

I am sure you have heard – or maybe even spoken – the words “listen to your mother! Well, one day while we were talking on the phone, my mom casually mentioned that my aunt had several boxes of drapery panels and sheers that she had put in storage after a recent move, “I think they would look nice at The Stevens Estate. Why don’t you give Auntie Marty a call? I am always happy when my mom tells me that she has read something on my blog (or if anyone tells me they have been reading for that matter!) so when she offers me advice on design projects I always listen. And in this case, especially, I am so glad that I did!

My aunt generously donated the beautiful draperies and sheers (thank you!) seen in the photo above, which were a perfect match to the work we had recently done for the Estate. A special thank you also goes to Paula Bakies of Acorn Interiors for professionally re
-sizing them, along with providing expert installation.

Here is a visual reminder of the Stevens Estate inglenook before we began redecorating. Under the new direction of Estate manager Laura Gifford, the redecorating has begun to reflect the historic elegance of this stately North Andover mansion that may be rented for small, intimate parties or large gatherings including weddings, conferences and fundraisers.

BEFORE: The view to the grounds
was blocked with ill-fitting sheers.

AFTER: Properly dressed, the inglenook – which
is at the front entrance of the Estate – now
provides visitors with an appropriate welcome.

Another gift:
I added this newly framed print of an original architectural rendering of the Estate (Hartwell & Richardson, 1889) that I discovered online to the shelves flanking the window seat. I also brought over a box of old books that my mom had in storage (
are you sensing a “we-don’t-throw-anything-away-in-this-family trend here?) to help fill up the shelves. Attention to details – plus good old-fashioned recycling – makes a world of difference!

These two chairs from the Stevens Estate are
scheduled to receive the next makeover.

Check back soon ...


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