Blogging and Graphic Design

I have met a lot of really nice people who have stopped by to browse at Beth Hylan Design Studio. Chatting with one, I discovered that she, too, is a blogger (she chats and posts on “life in sweet New England”). She handed me a few of her “mini blog cards” that feature her photographs on the front with her blog address on the back. I was totally impressed!

Moo MiniCards

The cards arrive neatly packaged in a

Now, I have been in the business of graphic design in one way or another since I was 16 years old (I started out illustrating newspaper ads for a small gift shop) and I had never heard about these cute image-info minis. They have actually been around for awhile, but since I am new to blogging (first post, March 2009) I had never seen or heard of them.

The black wallpaper-like pattern appeals to me,
but my favorite is probably the chair with the bird
(just had to show the flying bunny collage!)

Black & White Business
Vicky Woodgate
Don’t Panic

Today I spent **way too much time** checking out which versions I would choose for myself (I tend to “overdo it
just a bit with research : ). When I actually get around to creating my own, I will probably take some favorite images from my blog, or create a graphic illustration (actually, I might as well do both ... once a graphic designer, always a graphic designer!)

I did like this style for the back (or “details side)

What would you choose for your blog?

For you DIY’s ...
make your own

Thanks to Cafe Chatelaine for the design tip! Here are a couple images from one of her recent blog posts ...

Cafe Chatelaine: A Day in Boston

I really enjoyed this post ... it reminds me of when I used to work as a graphic designer at an advertising agency (ISM) located on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston. Even at nine months pregnant, the part of day that I looked forward to most was walking up and down Newbury Street “window shopping” during my lunch hour.

Thanks, CC, for taking me back!

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