First weekend at the Design Studio ...

Beth Hylan Design Studio is officially open! We had a great first weekend at the shop and I took lots of pictures that I plan to share with you over the course of this week. I will start with an “After” and “Before.”
The front of the store has two booth areas that will feature guest designers and vendors of unique items. For the opening weekend, I had both booths to design however I chose (will show inside views later).

This chalkboard frame at the entrance to these booths, was formerly a mirror that had broken. I discovered it in my neighbors trash last week (serendipity!) I rescued it (or picked her trash in broad daylight) and transformed it into this perfectly-sized-for-the-space chalkboard (chalkboard paint $15 for the quart). Many visitors to the store just loved it (sorry, not for sale!) but they left thinking about the value of broken items in a whole new way. Here is the mirror at the time of its roadside rescue ...

A designer vignette set up in my permanent corner of the shop.
Mini paper weight by Beth sells for less than $10.00.

My boys came in with my husband (can you say “four bulls in a china shop?) and we were all impressed with their very grown up behavior (huge sigh of relief from me ... Beth said they were more like busy little bees!) They particularly liked these black feathers that I used to decorate my cafe table.

Designer pick of the week #1:

Love these!

This pendant should go in my Lucky Charm collection!

Another “after”

After we closed the doors at 5 pm on Sunday, Beth sent me home with this very pretty arrangement that she just whipped up (she can do this stuff with her eyes closed ... it just amazes me!) I will post more pictures this week of how we decorated the shop for weekend one. The beauty is, the look will constantly change. It is almost like participating in a designer show house, but being able to do all the rooms I want.

I am very happy to be a part of the launching of Beth’s new business (thank you thank you thank you!) and to be able to show my stuff at the same time is icing on the cake.

Just one of Beth Hylan’s Antique Paper Art Jewelry creations.
So sweet!

As I used to write in my diary,
ML (more later ...)

PS Thanks to my husband for being Super Dad all weekend! Next Saturday and Sunday I will be in the shop for select hours which I will post later.

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