Creamware Platters are back! & How to Organize Like a Caterer

As you know, I write a monthly article on  I recently wrote a column about how I get myself ready for entertaining so I can enjoy myself at the party, "How to Organize Like a Caterer."  I include tips like how I lay out and label platters and serving pieces the night before so I won't be scrambling at the last minute... it also helps anyone that is "helping" to know where everything should go. Here is an excerpt :
"We all have the best of intentions when it comes to preparing for a party or holiday gathering in our home.  Inevitably, there is always something that puts a wrench in our plans and adds stress to what should be a fun experience.  With these tips that I learned after years of catering parties in my clients' homes, you'll be able to plan and execute a party like a pro - and have a great time at your own party.  With entertaining, something usually does go wrong, but being prepared can help you minimize the impact it has on the event."
To read the entire article at, click here.

Speaking of platters... remember these Creamware Platters that sold out almost instantly in the Spring?  Well, they're back for pre-orders in the store.  Due to shipping and too many breaking while shipped individually, they are now only being sold as a complete set of 6.   They are available now for pre-order, and will ship out mid-August.  I'm working on hanging all 6 of mine on my dining room wall this weekend - can't wait!

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