Not tending the garden ...

Did you know that if you leave weeds alone long enough they will flower? This is my side yard next to our barn. While most of our yard is mowed weekly, this area is allowed to grow wild. The result is a pretty swath of tall grasses, Queen Anne’s Lace, Goldenrod, Thistle, and a delicate purple flower that I can’t identify. I have been extra busy this summer on work related projects and this image says it all “I’m in the weeds!” (if you have ever worked in the restaurant industry, you may have heard this saying before : )
I particularly like how these easy going flowers have formed a bright and cheerful border along our rambling fence.

Even with the lazy-days-of-summer appeal of low maintenance backyard gardening, it is still nice to present a pretty face to people passing by the front side of the house. My mom knows I have been too distracted lately to tend to my gardening, so she surprised me the other day by decorating our
farmer’s porch with a little container gardening.

Thanks, Mum, for picking up where Mother Nature left off! Now when I am coming and going, I will at least have something pretty to greet me upon my return home : )

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