Art is blooming ...

“Utthita Hasta Padangustasana by Mary Taggart
Arrangement by Yvonne Blacker

From Sanskrit, the name of this painting translates to something along the lines of “one holds big toe!” I chose to use a large branch from a Rhododendron bush as the foundation for my arrangement to represent the human body as it can be either flexible or brittle depending on the flow of nutrients to the limbs. The large scale branch is very asymmetrical, almost triangular, just as the student appears in the pose.

Cheerful pink blossoms are supported by the branches, with bright Gerbera Daisys used to signify her clothing, and the single pink rose representing the opening of the heart center – or chakra – which is achieved with continued yoga practice. Peach colored tulips show increased flexibility (and are close in color to the students skin tone) and the gold vessel containing these blossoms is securely grounded on a purple yoga mat (which I intend to use more often now that the show is over!)

The arrangement is intentionally minimalist in its design, just as yoga strips away the clutter from the mind, allowing one to connect with inner harmony and peace through meditation. Namaste!

Here are the remainder of the 2010 “Art in Bloom
collaborations between the Village Garden Club of Lynnfield and the Lynnfield Art Guild ...

Village Garden Club member Katerina Georges
also used branches to interpret artist
Virginia Dodwell’s “Barn Scene.

Gerbera Daisys take on the form of a woman tending her flower cart in “Colors of Spring” painted by Lorraine O’Brien, arrangement by Dorothy Goodwin.

“Spring Flowers” by Louise Anderson was transformed into a delightful Easter basket by club members Joan Kirk, Mary Schwartz and Micki Trigilio. Look closely and you will find some cute surprises ...

These miniature guests were also
found on the refreshment table ...

Bold colors and flower choices made this beautiful arrangement by Jan Lisaki and Bootie Stevens
really stand out. I love that orange scarf!
Painting by Frank Colombo, MD
is titled “For Jennie”

Try adding fruit to your next arrangement as
Maura Quinn so eloquently did here.
“Still Life” painting by Jim Ryan

“Rose of Sharon” by artist Carol Wilson is recreated with delicate white blossoms and trailing ivy.
Arrangement by Karen Hathaway and Betsy Foley

So fun and colorful! This mixed media collage by Gail Rober is playfully named “Birthday Party” and was joyfully arranged by club member Wendy Keefe.

A burst of sunflowers stand tall in a cobalt blue
vase and capture artist Joyce Westover’s
watercolor rendering. Arrangement by
Debbie Caniff and Paula McKeever

“Lavender Fields” by Jeannette Corbett

A delight for the senses ... this scented arrangement by Laura Thomson incorporates lavender blossoms along with Rosemary branches, citrus peels, lemon leaves and cinnamon sticks. Doesn’t it just sound heavenly??

A stunning combination of branches, stones, evergreens and harvest colored blossoms were artfully arranged by Tracy Drislane to capture the spirit of “Undressed for Winter
by artist Pauline Bacon.

Delicate purple lilacs were successfully forced to bloom by club member Jean Dalton for this final painting titled “Lilacs” by artist Rose Keefe.

Even the paint brush became art at this show!
I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did : )

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