Swatch Report: Boys Room

It is school vacation week and I have been spending a lot of time at home with the boys. Actually, they have been going outside to play in the freshly fallen snow while I watch them from the window! This morning the outside world looked so pretty after yesterday’s snow fall that I took some “view outside my window pictures. I thought it would be neat to compare the outside view with what is inside ...

This zebra looks like the horse on our weathervane.

For this boys room, the theme is jungle safari. It is appropriate with my boys ... I used to have a cute wooden shelf with collectibles on the wall, but one of them jumped from the top bunk and tried to hang off the shelf like a monkey. Alas, no more shelf! Here are the monkeys that inspired that move ...

I chose a color palette that was gender neutral and would age well with my guys who are not-so-little-anymore. It includes pops of blueish-green mixed with bright oranges. Benjamin Moore Lenox Tan is on the wall. This is the sunniest room in the house. I hung a couple of stars in the windows to capture that light.

I am honestly amazed that these have lasted as long as they have! Probably because they are still out of reach. They are suspended from the ceiling with picture hanging wire attached to a cuphook (I could have probably used a decorative black cord, but the wire happened to be handy at the time).

These tall pine trees are one of the reasons that we bought this farm house. They must have stood witness to a lot of human (and animal) life over the past one hundred-plus years!

The floors are original and the carpet was a $79.00 bargain found at a local discount warehouse (Building 19 in Burlington). It has held up quite well, resisting stains from miscellaneous “science

The sturdy fabrics are not obviously boyish. This room will most likely change into an office space once our new master bedroom is complete, moving these boys into our existing room. I will not be sad to see the bunk beds used for this small room go! Sorry I don’t have a photo of the whole room this morning. You don’t really think that the beds are made around here, do you???

Artwork inspired by the 18 sheep that used to graze in our backyard. We always thought we would get a sheep or two like the previous owners. We happily settled for one very large Flemish rabbit.

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